Complaints Procedure

Making a Complaint to Benchmark Property Management

At Benchmark Property Management, we do our best to provide a high level of service to both our owners and tenants at every turn, however we know that sometimes things can go wrong.

Should this occur we’d like you to let us know, then we can try and put matters right and preventative measures in place.
This complaints procedure aims to create a simple, personalised process for resolving any complaint you may have about the service you received from our business or team.

To ensure that we have all the facts necessary to investigate your complaint, we have a step by step procedure. Following this procedure will enable us to investigate the complaint and respond accordingly.

Step 1

The most effective way of resolving a problem is to give the person involved the opportunity to discuss your dissatisfaction with you in an informal setting. Before you decide whether you would wish to make a formal complaint, we ask you to attempt to resolve the matter with the person concerned.

Step 2

If your problem is about the Property Manager and you are unable to discuss the matter with him/her, or if you are unhappy with the way the matter is dealt with you can then put your complaint in writing to our Regional Manager, Gerhard Thomas using [email protected] or via our mailing address. Gerhard will acknowledge receipt of your letter or email within 3 working days of receipt of the complaint.

You will receive a formal reply within 21 working days of receipt of the complaint, that reply may be in writing. Complaints are often complex and will take time to investigate. We may at this stage invite you in for a discussion with the Team Member involved and seek a resolution that suits all parties. If after this stage, you are not entirely happy with our response you can follow step 3 of the procedure.

Step 3

If you feel you have not received a reasonable response to your complaint under Step 2, your next avenue would be to apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for mediation and/or hearing. All details including application forms can be found on the Ministry of Justice Website

Making a complaint to Benchmark Realty

Find out the process for making a complaint, and who to contact to make sure it is dealt with correctly. In order for us to ensure we are dealing fairly with everyone involved Benchmark Realty has a formal complaints process. If your issue reaches head office level, it will go through this formal process.

Step 1

Contact the branch manager
The branch manager is responsible for managing and supervising salespeople and property managers and will take charge of any outstanding issues.

Licensee Agent
Mobile: Max: (027) 4967763
Email: [email protected]

Step 2

Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA)
We hope that your complaint has been resolved by this stage. If not, you can also make a complaint directly to the REAA. You do not have to have gone through our complaints process before doing this.

The REAA is the government body that oversees and enforces the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. As a government body they have a formal process for dealing with complaints. Your complaints to the REAA must be sent on the provided form.